Raising Your Personal Vibration

“Modern science has concluded that everything that exists in the universe is made of vibration” Hiroshi Doi-sensei…”

Raising one’s vibration is an effective way to live a more balanced and happy life, and also a way to send positive energy out into the universe. While emitting a lower vibration or frequency, one will never really come into harmony and balance and experience a more peaceful and happy life It is the life of discord/dissonance that facilitates lower vibration energy, and can be sensed manifesting in the world today.

It does take work, however, to raise vibrations, so a consistent effort is required to raise and maintain one’s vibrations.

Be mindful of your thoughts

It is imperative to keep a close eye on the habitual thoughts that enter your head. It can be difficult at first to be aware of the many thoughts that constantly bombard your mind all day long but by beginning to notice unwelcome or negative thoughts you can start to replace them with a positive thought you already have preprogrammed in your mind.  Have a positive thought in your mind, a thought that you know makes you happy, that you substitute in place of any negative thought that comes into your mind.  The key to this thought substitution is to spend as much time thinking positive thoughts and less time thinking negative thoughts.  By spending more time in balanced, positive and rational thought your vibration level will be enhanced.

Think before you speak

If you are looking for a new relationship, don’t say things like “I can never find the right person for me.”  If you talk like this, this is exactly what you will get.  You get what you say and think. Even if you haven’t been too successful in finding the right person previously, it doesn’t matter. Change your words and you will change your life.

Beware of ungrounded, severely negative types of individuals

These types of people are running a very low vibration level, and their low vibration can have an adverse impact on your vibration level.  Remember, a person’s bio-energy field can extend out several feet from them.  Surround yourself in white light if you feel that another’s energy may have a negative effect on you.

Spend time in meditation

Take a walk through the woods or a nature center, and away from the city and the noise.  Go to a place in the country if you can and take a long walk, concentrating on your surroundings, keeping your mind off your usual thoughts. This is a great way to clear your head and also help raise your vibration. If you can’t get away, try listening to some soothing music by concentrating on the sounds.

Join with other sensible/like minded people

Spend time with people interested in the same things you are and learn at the same time. It has been found that the commonalities between people brings them closer together and facilitates greater harmony.

Volunteer you spare time to helping others

Give away your time, some money to a credible charity/organization you believe in, or give away something you don’t use anymore but may be useful to someone else. What you give is what you get in life, so by giving you will receive in one way or another Help others and you will be helped You have a profound effect on raising your vibration when you help others as it makes you feel good from the inside.

Be aware of your thoughts, words and actions

Everything you do comes back to you in some way so always be wary of how you treat others and how you act in all situations.  How you treat others is how you will be treated, by doing the right thing by everyone you come into contact with will help to raise your vibration as others continue to do the right thing by you.  Treating everyone compassionately will attract positive people and opportunities into your life.

Avoid the television, radio and media in general

It is especially important to avoid all news programs as they do much more harm to your vibration level than they do good.  By watching TV you end up taking in so much negative energy it becomes confusing to your subconscious mind and some of that negative imagery and energy gets absorbed by your subconscious and elevates a feeling of fear from within. Most of the media works by fear mongering, they want to shock you into a state of fear so you keep on watching and the more you watch the more addicted you become. This has a disastrous impact on your vibration level.


3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. winston
    Sep 10, 2011 @ 10:07:54

    Since 2003 I,ve been thinking my vibrations became very negative. Before this time I was very creative with composing music. There was a lot of positive energies, or I thought around me. It seemed like synchronicity was everywhere in a positive way , but after this time my grandmother passed, a friend died and I didn’t find him until a week later, he died of alcohol use.
    as a child I grew up around dogs and horses. People were always abuse towards me and I always felt accepted around animals
    After living in a college town for eleven years, I moved with my folks. Suddenly I noticed people avoiding me even when I say hi, or they would close their garage doors when I walked by. It seemed I could be just projecting but I began to feel I was not myself anymore.
    I’ve searched for answers through a pranic healer, he mentioned my solar plexus was way out there. I still don’t know what this means. I’ve heard people talking about PS I vampires too.
    Recently I realized that if I get close to a mirror I feel a strange tingling. I’m not sure if its normal.
    I just turned 40 and things seemed to have slowed Down especially this year.my memory is very poor with memory lapses.
    I would like to exude positive energy again. And in good health.
    Thanks for your informative website,


  2. Rade Milovic
    Apr 05, 2012 @ 00:42:21

    Do I have your permission to use a picture on this page for my project presentation on this year Imagine Cup competition?


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