Graham Hancock – Mysteries of the Spirit World 1/2

Watch the rest on YouTube.

Separation & Connectedness

When taking a look at healthcare, intention, quantum physics, & spiritual healing it seems that the most important & basic element is connection & the biggest problem is separation. From the minute sub-atomic particles to the massive galaxies we are all inter-linked. “We’re all connected; the most fundamental thing is we’re all connected by an energy field. We swim in a sea of light – which is the zero-point field. Get away from the whole idea of separateness. This causes all the wars in the world, rethink your life as being part of the bigger whole. Your intention is going to affect everything in your world. Your very thoughts affect everything that’s going on in your life”. Lynne McTaggart.

In traditional medicine & traditional science, analysis & subsequent prescription/ law were based on separation. Medicine (Western) looks at organs, glands, body systems as separate entities; co-habiting independently in a body. Diagnosis is body-part-dependent, & as such simply symptomatic – it does not treat root causes. If someone has stomach pain – well the answer is to treat the stomach either chemically or surgically, without imagining that the human body is a holistic, synchronistic incorporation of many co-dependent employees – all working for the big boss – the human mind. That stomach problem is being caused by how that person sees life. Ultimately it is their thoughts that are manifesting right there in their stomach. ‘Attitude really is everything!’. The only real way to treat that stomach pain is to treat the root cause i.e. to find the belief system/ recurrent thought/ stressful situation that the individual is creating for themselves & to ‘hi-light’ it – bring it up to their conscious mind, so that they can do something about it – change it. Encorporate it. Embody it. Own it.

Traditional physics created the laws of the natural world which stated how big parts interact for e.g. Newton’s Law of Gravity. Cause & effect – if this happens, there will be a certain result. However these laws don’t stand up when you enter the quantum world of the sub-atomic. The idea that the workings of the human body, the existence of the world we live in, or the nature of reality entirely can be explained based on theories of separation only works in a very limited way in both medicine & in physics. Many Doctors for e.g. Dr Deepak Chopra & Dr Bernie Siegel have outlined ‘miraculous’ cases where patients have been cured of seemingly ‘incurable’ disease by not believing their physicians’ sentence of a ‘terminal’ case, & focusing on their own intention of perfect health. God must have intervened! Indeed he did – in the form of the will, the intention & the Observer of the patient involved. These ‘miraculous’ healings are available to everyone – it’s simply a matter of changing your mind. Owning what has become ‘separate’ & converting that into a different ‘healthy’ energetic frequency. It’s a matter of looking at a different reality- whatever you focus on, is. If you focus on limitless potential & perfect health – your body & indeed your mind will have no other option but to collapse those wave functions carrying that reality, into the particles which become your life.

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Bill Hicks – Mandatory Marijuana